Smart Tail - Clever Filtering of Logfile Messages

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Download / Start

Install / Start of Smart Tail via Java Webstart

Click on the link "Start Smart Tail". Java Webstart will install and start Smart Tail.

The program runs on all Operating Systems that have installed Java.

The Java Webstart Manager warns of the execution of the program. Reason: The program was signed by the author (Tom Wiedenhöft) to authenticate its orign. Java Webstart tries to find the certificate on the servers it knows but will not find it there. The certificate is not registered there.

Later starts via Java Webstart Manager or the link beneath.

[ --> Start Smart Tail ]
Includes Analyser and Assistant
836 KB
[ --> Start Logfile Analyser ]
Part of Smart Tail
117 KB
[ --> Start Regular Expression Assistant ]
Part of Smart Tail
181 KB
Java 1.4.0 (JRE) or higher, ( Java Web Start - is included)
You don't need the big SDK (JDK) just the smaller JRE.

Manually Install / Start

Java 1.4.0 (JRE) or higher
You don't need the big SDK (JDK) just the smaller JRE.

Smart Tail

Download the tail.jar and start with "java -jar tail.jar".

Logfile Analyser

Download the loganalyser.jar and start with "java -jar loganalyser.jar".

Regular Expression Assistant / Wizzard

Download the regassistant.jar and start with "java -jar regassistant.jar".